The network


Innovative start-up, founded in 2019, provides innovative consultancy services in the field of geological-environmental analysis and monitoring and numerical cartography.
The goal of Geoscape is to export territory analysis methodologies outside the academic sphere, in order to propose effective and sustainable solutions to geological-environmental problems.
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Start-up active in the sector of high-tech socio-educational services, focuses its activities on teaching with the support of new technologies, such as robotics and coding, virtual reality and scientific subjects, developing related topics such as thinking computational skills, the development of teamwork, digital ethics, the conscious use of new technologies.
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Social enterprise active since 1989 with consolidated experience in the planning, management, organization, and promotion of cultural services in the cultural and tourism fields.
Its management policy focuses on the visitor, his expectations, and the visit experience, in this way he can immerse himself in the environmental and historical context of the territory, discovering all its peculiarities.
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Progetto finanziato nell'ambito della risposta della U.E. alla pandemia di COVID-19
Fondi Strutturali di Investimento Europei
Programma Operativo Città Metropolitane 2014-2020