The project

Vice-Versa: Light up and connect

Winning project of the ZIP Innovative People call.

Creating new digital and physical connections between city museums and outdoor heritage for an innovative and multidisciplinary visit experience.
Involving new visitors through the creation of special contents, new paths and workshops and the development of a web app with geolocation of the works and with the possibility of interacting with it.

Vice-Versa: Light up and connect

Winning project of the ZIP Innovative People call.

Creating new digital and physical connections between city museums and outdoor heritage for an innovative and multidisciplinary visit experience.
Involving new visitors through the creation of special contents, new paths and workshops and the development of a web app with geolocation of the works and with the possibility of interacting with it.


Progetto finanziato nell'ambito della risposta della U.E. alla pandemia di COVID-19
Fondi Strutturali di Investimento Europei
Programma Operativo Città Metropolitane 2014-2020